Booster Pump for Cape Meares

pumpWork was begun on Monday, December 8, 2014, to install the booster pump to supply water from the new Cape Meares water tank to residents who live south of Pacific Street.

The work involved in preparing the site, installing a pad and then locating the pump on the pad will require approximately one week.  With the stormy weather in the forecast for the week the length of time before the pump will be operational may be longer.

There should be no effect on water service until the final connection is made between the pump and the pipes that will provide service.  If there is any interruption of water services check this site for details.

Oceanside Pipeline Improvements


The commissioners for the Oceanside Water District are interested in receiving feedback from local Oceanside residents regarding  proposed water line improvement.

A link to a PDF document that illustrates where new water lines are to be installed in Oceanside is included in this posting

Click on the link below to view the PDF document.  It is possible for you to enlarge the PDF to get a clearer view of where the improvements are to be made.

OWD Pipeline Improvements

Demolition of Old Cape Meares Water Tank

tank3The demolition of the Cape Meares 100,000 gallon, Cor-Ten reservoir began on Monday, 9/23/14, when the crew  moved in to the location of the tank and, by the end of the day,  completely removed the steel top of the reservoir.  On Tuesday, 9/24/14, the sides of the reservoir came down in sheets 6 feet wide by 12 foot in length.  By the end of the day the tank demolition project was one-third complete.  With all the oxy/acetylene torch cutting going on, the damp weather has been beneficial in creating a safe environment for the project.

Water Quality Report


Each June the Oceanside Water District is charged with sharing a Water Quality Report with all of its rate-payers.  There is a cover-letter that accompanies this report and reviews activities from the previous year.

On June 1, 2014, the Water Quality Report was sent to all Oceanside Water District rate-payers.  The first of the links below is the cover letter for the report and the second is a copy of the actual report.

Backflow or Backsiphonage Assemblies


  Do you have any of the following?

  • Swimming Pool
  • Hot-Tub
  • Active Solar Unit
  • Fire Sprinkler System
  • Large Scale Water Feature
  • Underground Lawn Irrigation System

If you do, you are required by the State of Oregon to install a cross-connection assembly for the protection of the entire water system. This assembly must be inspected annually by a certified inspector. As a service to our customers, the OWD staff will, at your convenience and at no charge, help you determine if a back-flow prevention assembly is needed for your home.

The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, and the statutes of the State of Oregon, Administrative Rules Chapters #333-61-070, and #333-61-072, state that the water supplier has the primary responsibility for the preventing of water from unapproved-approved sources, or any other substances, from entering the public potable water system.

This means the Oceanside Water District is responsible for the protection of the public potable water distribution system from contamination or pollution due to the backflow or backsiphonage of contaminants or pollutants through the water service connection.  If, in the judgment of the Oceanside Water District, an approved backflow assembly is required at the District’s water connection to any customer’s premises, the Oceanside Water District, or its delegated agent, shall give notice in writing to said customer to install an approved backflow prevention assembly at each service connection to his premises.  The customer shall, within ninety (90) days, install such approved assembly, or assemblies, at his own expense and failure or refusal, or inability on the part of the customer to install said assembly or assemblies within ninety (90) days shall constitute a ground for discontinuing water service to the premises until such assembly or assemblies have been properly installed.

Ordinance 96-1 is currently being enforced for Oceanside Water District customers.  If you are interested in reviewing all details regarding the ordinance click on the link below and view the PDF of this document.


Website for Oceanside Water District in Oceanside, Oregon.